Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another invitation...

For today, I invite you to take on positivity. I invite you to take on a positive attitude, a positive outlook, a positive reaction to everything you encounter today. 

Stop worrying about all the things you need to do, all the things you've done wrong and all of the things you need to work on. 

For today, focus only on all of the things you have accomplished and how far you have come. Realize, you have done some amazing things and accomplished so many goals. Tough times have come and once again, you have survived. That is something to celebrate about.

Today is beautiful and there are so many possibilities, endless possibilities, for change, for new beginnings, for love, for excitement, for an adventure. 

Start your day off positively, with a positive thought and a positive perspective. Just for today, be excited about all the new things and all of the old things and spread that positive attitude to someone else who might need it.

For today, I invite you to take on positivity. To realize how lucky you are to be alive, and how beautiful this life is.

People inspire you, or they drain you.
Pick them wisely.

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