Ok. The obsessions need to stop.
The worries, the fears, the over powering ideas and ever-so controlling ideas – drop it. Leave them behind. We come from a world that wants to define us on how we look, how we act, where we come from, what our parents look like – but guess what? That’s all bull crap. Straight up, bull crap. We let go of the idea that skinny is beautiful, and now want everyone to believe that strong is beautiful – but you know what is beautiful? Healthy. Healthy is beautiful. Someone who looks after their body, has clarity that eating a brownie won’t kill them, and exercising regularly is perfect.
Stop obsessing over working out. Stop thinking that a rest day or two or three will set your training back. That a cheat day will completely throw off your whole diet and the control you have over it. Let go of the belief that not going to the gym three days in a row will in fact make you put on 10 pounds, that everyone can see – including your boyfriend.
It’s false. It’s an idea. An over-powering worry. We have gone from obsessing over our weight, the size of our thighs, every little bit about us – to obsessing over how much we work out, how often we are lifting, how we absolutely cannot eat that brownie, because in fact…it will make the world fall apart.
So stop the obsessions, the worries, the fears. We need to take a stand to be healthy, to let living in fear be in the past and start living through clear eyes. That we are perfect, just as we are. That bodies are made differently, built differently and will forever weigh differently from each other – this is what makes us perfect.

So throw everything you’ve been told out the window, even this if you want to – but just promise me you won’t be so hard on yourself, on your diet, on your training, and especially on your body. You work it hard and drive it into the ground, and it still wakes up the next morning waiting for another hit.
We are blessed to be who we are, where we are and have what we have – which is more than enough and more than we actually need. So throw it out – all your previous beliefs about how you should think, look, act, eat, train, sleep, believe. Everything. Just be you – and stop worrying about all the little things and all the ways you think you should be.
You are wonderful just as your are. So stop worrying, stressing, being fearful for it only brings you down.
What we need here…is something that brings us up. To help bring others up. Happiness and love is contagious. So spread it. But just make sure, it starts with you.
To love you, is hard. But it’s the first step that needs to be taken. Stop worrying about others, and start thinking about you. People have seemed to control just about everything in the past.
Right here, right now – starts with YOU.