If you don't try, you'll never know.
If you don't go after what you want,
you'll never get it
...and if you never ask,
the answer will always be no.
It's that simple.
It's the simplicity of things. We want, want, want...think we need and beat ourselves up because we cant have it, cant do it, can't be it. But have you ever actually put yourself out there and tried? How many times have you failed? Sometimes, it's getting knocked down 5 times and about standing up 6. When things get rough, we learn, we grow...to be push down and stand right back up, show how badly we want something.
Have you actually gone out of your comfort zone and tried something different? Done something you want, for you and not for anyone else. Without fear of others, judgements, failing? How much you put in, is how much you will get out. Sometimes things are tough...challenging, frustrating, difficult. Somethings you have to work hard for. So what? You do it. You work hard, you go after what you want. You do something about what YOU want. And that will make all the difference.
Things aren't just going to happen to you. People aren't just going to happen to you. We have to go out and make things happen. If you're sick of your job, friends, a sticky situation...get out and run. Stop settling for less than you deserve and thinking this is all it will ever be. Because there is more, so much more and you deserve more. You know YOU want more. So get off your butt and go get it! Realize what you want and grasp it, with both hands.
And when you get it, don't let it go.